The Fun 4 Fort Myers Kids Calendar is the most comprehensive online family calendar in the Charlotte County and Lee County area. Fun 4 Fort Myers Kids calendar provides a place for businesses and organizations to reach families in Charlotte County and Lee County by submitting their family friendly events. Listings are FREE! Please let us know if you are aware of an event that is not listed! Submit Your Event Today!
PLEASE NOTE: Events and programs are subject to last minute cancellations and changes. Before attending, please contact the business or event host to confirm that the event/program is still taking place, and to register or RSVP if required.
Family friendly events and programs taking place at area libraries.
*This is the last day to submit your Tiny Art Show piece to be displayed at the Port Charlotte Public ...
Enjoy a visit by the Port Charlotte Library at the Franz Ross YMCA in Port Charlotte! Catch up on the ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers. Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
For children ages birth – 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
Children ages 2-8 and their caregivers are invited for Wednesday morning free-play time, with an assortment of toys and props ...
Preschoolers, kindergarteners, and their families can enjoy loosely structured play with a variety of rotating toys and activities in our ...
Introduce young children to the beauty of the Spanish language with Cuentos y Diversión! This engaging storytime program is designed ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Join your Youth Services librarians for a baby story time! We’ll have baby bouncing rhymes, board books, songs, and sensory ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Join us for a fun and creative LegoMania designed especially for kids! This interactive program invites young children to explore ...
This program, for children between 0 and 6 years old, is designed to improve listening and group interaction skills through ...
Calling all gamers! Are you looking for a group to game with? Our gaming group is for everyone. We play ...
Come play with us at the library! Activities change monthly and vary from dancing, storytelling, art projects, and more. Fun ...
This picnic-style story hour offers music, bubbles, and imaginative play beside a playground and splash pad. Bring a blanket and ...
For children ages 6 -11 years. Join us for a family-friendly STEM exploration. Each month will feature a different activity based ...
Enjoy a Saturday afternoon reading to registered therapy dogs at the library. Choose to read your own story, or we ...
Please join us for this very special event featuring renowned turtle biologists George Heinrich and Dr. J. Sean Doody. You won’t ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
Calling gaming enthusiasts of all ages! Join friends and friendly competitors alike for games of strategy, chance, and fun. Bring ...
Have you ever wanted to play and explore the magical and mysterious world of Dungeons & Dragons, but never had ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers. Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
For children ages birth – 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses ...
Step into a world of adventure, strategy, and fun with our D&D Guild Adventures! This program is perfect for teens ...
Calling all young readers ready for exciting adventures, laughter, and new friends! In our club, every book opens up a ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
Children ages 2-8 and their caregivers are invited for Wednesday morning free-play time, with an assortment of toys and props ...
Preschoolers, kindergarteners, and their families can enjoy loosely structured play with a variety of rotating toys and activities in our ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Introduce young children to the beauty of the Spanish language with Cuentos y Diversión! This engaging storytime program is designed ...
For ages 2-5. Join us for story time filled with a variety of early literacy activities that include music, stories, ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
This program, for children between 0 and 6 years old, is designed to improve listening and group interaction skills through ...
This program is a unique and sustainable way to explore your creativity and imagination. In this drop-in event, participants are ...
Calling all gamers! Are you looking for a group to game with? Our gaming group is for everyone. We play ...
This picnic-style story hour offers music, bubbles, and imaginative play beside a playground and splash pad. Bring a blanket and ...
Join us at the library to read to the dogs. The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their ...
Join us at the library for reading to dogs! The dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer with their owner/handlers ...
All ages and experience levels are invited to drop in for a game of chess! No experience necessary.
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
Calling gaming enthusiasts of all ages! Join friends and friendly competitors alike for games of strategy, chance, and fun. Bring ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers. Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
For children ages birth – 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses ...
This month's program features Creative Resin Art! Get ready to dive into the colorful world of resin art! In this ...
Whether you are a new trainer, or you’ve already caught them all, join us as we teach you the card ...
Take a leisurely walk along Punta Gorda's Parks that Teach corridor. Your tour will be guided by the University of ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
Preschoolers, kindergarteners, and their families can enjoy loosely structured play with a variety of rotating toys and activities in our ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Introduce young children to the beauty of the Spanish language with Cuentos y Diversión! This engaging storytime program is designed ...
For ages 2-5. Join us for story time filled with a variety of early literacy activities that include music, stories, ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
This program, for children between 0 and 6 years old, is designed to improve listening and group interaction skills through ...
This program is a unique and sustainable way to explore your creativity and imagination. In this drop-in event, participants are ...
Calling all gamers! Are you looking for a group to game with? Our gaming group is for everyone. We play ...
This picnic-style story hour offers music, bubbles, and imaginative play beside a playground and splash pad. Bring a blanket and ...
For children ages 6-11 years. Children and their families are invited to join us for a morning of crafting! All supplies ...
Children and Teens can earn a credit for every 15 minutes they read in the designated area for a total ...
All ages and experience levels are invited to drop in for a game of chess! No experience necessary.
Let's celebrate art in its various forms including painting, knitting, paper crafts, and more! We’ll have free hands-on activities for ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
Calling gaming enthusiasts of all ages! Join friends and friendly competitors alike for games of strategy, chance, and fun. Bring ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers. Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
For children ages birth – 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses ...
Come join us at the Englewood Charlotte Library! Come dressed as your favorite storybook character, read a favorite book or ...
Calling all young readers ready for exciting adventures, laughter, and new friends! In our club, every book opens up a ...
Enjoy a visit from the Traveling Library of the Englewood Charlotte Library. Get up to date of the latest books ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
Preschoolers, kindergarteners, and their families can enjoy loosely structured play with a variety of rotating toys and activities in our ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Introduce young children to the beauty of the Spanish language with Cuentos y Diversión! This engaging storytime program is designed ...
For ages 2-5. Join us for story time filled with a variety of early literacy activities that include music, stories, ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
This program, for children between 0 and 6 years old, is designed to improve listening and group interaction skills through ...
Children and Teens can earn a credit for every 15 minutes they read in the designated area for a total ...
This program is a unique and sustainable way to explore your creativity and imagination. In this drop-in event, participants are ...
Calling all gamers! Are you looking for a group to game with? Our gaming group is for everyone. We play ...
Children of all ages are invited to come read aloud to a therapy dog in the library! Each child can ...
Here come the grannies for more library shenanigans! Bring your own blanket and make your very own granny glasses, complete ...
Children and Teens can earn a credit for every 15 minutes they read in the designated area for a total ...
Bring your favorite cuddle buddy to the library to meet other children and their stuffed friends! Enjoy a story, craft, ...
Drop in for building challenges the whole family will enjoy. For all ages, and all materials are provided.
Celebrate National Go Fly A Kite Day with kite-flying fun! Featuring face painting, crafts, music and goodies. Bring your own ...
For children ages birth – 18 months and caregivers Bond with your baby and meet new friends during this special storytime ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
Calling gaming enthusiasts of all ages! Join friends and friendly competitors alike for games of strategy, chance, and fun. Bring ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children ages 18 -36 months and caregivers. Parents and caregivers move and groove with their toddlers during this interactive and ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
For children ages birth – 36 months and caregivers. Wiggle and giggle with your littles during this interactive storytime that uses ...
This month's program features Creative Resin Art! Get ready to dive into the colorful world of resin art! In this ...
Calling all young readers ready for exciting adventures, laughter, and new friends! In our club, every book opens up a ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
For children, ages 3-5 years Your preschooler will continue to build relationships with friends and develop school readiness skills during this ...
Birth to 5 years and caregivers This fun and engaging storytime promotes and reinforces early literacy skills and language development through ...
Children ages 2-8 and their caregivers are invited for Wednesday morning free-play time, with an assortment of toys and props ...
Preschoolers, kindergarteners, and their families can enjoy loosely structured play with a variety of rotating toys and activities in our ...
Sign up for our weekly newsletter that lists the top family friendly events taken place that week, any upcoming events, current giveaways we are running and more!