Present your Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, or US Trust credit or debit card and picture ID on the first full weekend of every month for one free general admission.
Museums on Us is available to Bank of America, Merrill or Bank of America Private Bank (U.S. Trust) credit or debit cardholders during the first full weekend of every month. Present your active Bank of America, Merrill or Bank of America Private Bank (U.S. Trust) credit or debit card with photo ID to gain one free general admission to a participating cultural institution. Cardholder only. Check participating cultural institution for operating hours. Excludes ticketed and special exhibitions and fundraising events.
Closest locations include:
The Baker Museum/Artis Naples
The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature in Bradenton
Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota
Florida Museum of Photographic Arts
Tampa Museum of Art