Community HERO Deal: First Responders, Military, Teachers, Nurses: $5 off General Admission 90 min station rentals, with ID. ***Exclusions Apply, Non Stackable
Thursday is DEAL Night – $25 for an hour or 20% off general admission (90-minutes for $27.20), plus tax. *** Exclusions Apply/Non Stackable.
TGIF/TGIS – Thank Goodness Its Friday/Saturday – Reservations of groups of 6 get 10% off per person. ***General Admission 90 min station rentals only. Exclusions Apply/Non Stackable.
Sunday Family Funday – Children 7-17 are half off our general admission price with a paying adult ($17), +tax. Deal is for 1 adult per 1 minor for 90 mins of Axe Throwing Splendor. Do you want more time? Don’t worry we got you.. 2 Hour station rentals are just $10 more per person. ***Exclusions Apply/Non Stackable.