McGruff Club is a crime prevention and safety education program for children who are between the ages of six and ten. Through McGruff Club, children become engaged in their communities and learn about safety while having fun with their friends and adults who care for them.
The National Crime Prevention Council created McGruff® Club to educate children on what they can do to stay safe, prevent crime and violence in their communities, and engage them in projects designed to make their communities safer.
This guide outlines the structure of the McGruff Club program and provides examples of how the McGruff Club program is used to teach children how to recognize and respond to unsafe situations.
Children who participate in McGruff Club receive McGruff the Crime Dog® items, activity sheets, and safety letters from McGruff.
Adults who facilitate McGruff Club receive a kit containing various publications and resources from the National Crime Prevention Council. The kit provides facilitators with the information they need to lead McGruff Club activities and engage children in service projects.