North Port Gymnastics offers fun-filled parties that you and your child will remember for years to come! Our party package includes:
Your children and friends can enjoy gym for 2 hours.
Our fun and energetic gymnastics coaches will introduce the kids to some creative games and fun time on the equipment and obstacle course, they will enjoy playing in the gym for the first 45 minutes.
Then, we will take a break of 45 minutes for refreshments (food/snack, drinks and cake) provided by parents. After refreshments, kids can either open presents or can play in the gym for the remainder of the time left as per their wish.
If you have a theme you are welcome to bring in decorations to spruce up the area otherwise we have generic tablecloths, plates and napkins.
We provide a picnic table party area, music, a special labeled water bottle and a balloon for every child attending the party.
Our special birthday guest will receive a birthday medal.