Todd Charles (aka "The Moogician") has been a comedy-variety entertainer all of his life. His original and refreshing material that combines magic, juggling, music, and comedy, has taken him all over the world, performing in theaters, fairs, festivals, comedy clubs, and on cruise ships.
The show is all about FUN! Lots of fun, and lots of milk.
It's a non-stop, quick moving, high-energy show—after all, it's powered by milk! You will learn things about dairy you never knew. There's magic, cowmedy, hoofin' around, and banjo moosic. Todd loves performing, and it shows! Milk appears, disappears, switches places, pours, and doesn't pour. Cheese balls appear, multiply, bounce around and juggle.
Audience participants become superstars. "Dairy-Ann" the cow keeps a can filled with milk, and at the very end, she's spinning around Todd's head with her barnyard friends. Add some good down-home banjo pickin', and you have one great show! And as always, Todd makes sure the audience leaves his show knowing more about dairy and where it comes from than they did before.
Milk is magical, cheese is juggle-able, butter is healthy, and cows are cool!