Kelly Park features a free-flowing natural spring (68 degrees year round), full-service concession, picnic pavilions and playground. Tube rentals are available from vendors outside the park; guests may bring their own pool noodles or floats that must be less than five feet in length or width. The waterfront closes one hour prior to park closing. During the summer, inclement weather can affect park operations; for the safety of our guests, the swim area will be closed if a storm produces lightning.
Due to the popularity of Kelly Park, it is normal to service a high volume of visitors during the summer months and on holidays. You may also experience traffic congestion due to the popularity of the park. Frequently, the park is filled to capacity by mid-morning, and unfortunately guests must be turned away at the entry. In order to provide a quality recreational experience while preserving the natural beauty of historic Kelly Park, a daily maximum visitation has been determined: 280 vehicles will be allowed entry each morning, and an additional 50 vehicles may wait in a cue line and enter as other visitors depart throughout the day. Check the website for capacity updates.