The Alligator Creek Preserve includes four (4) miles of nature trails. Year-round volunteers offer interpretive trail walks to the public free of charge.
Dog are allowed to hike with you but must be leashed at all times.
The Caniff Welcome Center, open to the public from October - April, is located at the very end of the driveway boardwalk. A unique all-wood building on "stilts", its main architectural attraction is a "cupola" from which a large hand-carved wood mobile depicting birds and sea life, hangs. Outside, there is a wrap-around deck which looks out over an upland eco-system. Inside once again, you will find small live animals such as Henry, the ball python; Izra, the skink; Isak, the red rat snake; Daisy, the Russian tortoise, Elon, the Razorback Musk turtle, and Tyrus, the Stinkpot Common Musk turtle. There are also display cases of very interesting shell, bone and ancient tool artifacts. Also on display, you can see and read about some of the birds and animals you might find here at our location.