We recognize that children have unique and diverse educational needs and that they learn best in an educational environment that is structured to meet those needs. At JCE we have developed a structure, International Baccalaureate, to help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills to live, learn, and work in a rapidly globalizing world. Reading performance is the most important factor in determining placement. The strategies, teaching methods, and curriculum materials used by teachers in each classroom will vary as will the pace and rate of instruction.
Our goal is to provide a positive learning environment in which students of every background will have the opportunity for optimal academic and personal growth. We are dedicated to preparing students to be productive, contributive citizens by encouraging a love of learning in an enriched academic atmosphere where students will realize their full potential as creative and independent thinkers. Our expectation is that students will develop higher-level thinking skills. We are dedicated for all students to become "Learners For Life".