This is a free service to all Y members while they are on the premises for children ages 6 weeks to 13 years.
While parents and grandparents get healthy, your children are cared for by our staff members who are trained and background screened. Adults must sign the child in and out of child watch and make staff aware of their location at the Y. Please, do not bring sick children to Kid Zone so we can keep all of our kids as healthy as can be.
Kid Zone is available at all our branch locations, please check your preferred branch for child watch times.
Venice YMCA
701 Center Road
Venice, FL 34285
Englewood YMCA
701 Medical Blvd.
Englewood, FL 34223
Franz Ross YMCA
19333 Quesada Ave
Port Charlotte, FL 33948
Punta Gorda YMCA
2905 Tamiami Trail
Punta Gorda, FL 33950