Children enjoy a fully equipped indoor gymnasium, computer lab, movies, game room, swimming, arts and crafts, WiFi, and playground.
Swimming includes: lessons, games and open swim
Athletics Include: softball, kickball, basketball indoor and outdoor, tennis and exercise classes
Game Room includes: Foosball, Ping Pong, Chess, XBox, and Play Station.
Computer Lab available where campers can refresh their studies and play educational computing games
STEM classes in partnership with the IWILL foundation
Weekly field trips
Free lunch and afternoon snacks are provided through the Lee County School District for the first six (6) weeks of camp. Campers must bring their own lunch and snacks the final week of camp (July 28, 2025 - August 1, 2025).
*We will be closed on Thursday June 19, 2025 and Friday July 4, 2025*
City Residents:
Registration fee: $25.00
$270.00 for the entire session
Non-City Residents:
Registration fee: $25.00
$305.00 for the entire session